RHA 184th Annual Exhibition

Royal Hibernian Academy
15 Ely Place, Dublin 2
Dates: 27 May- 9 Aug
Opening hours: Mon-Tues 11am-5pm/ Wed-Sat 11am-7pm/ Sun 2pm-5pm
RHA 184th Annual Exhibition
Image © Hakim, from the series Citizen, 2013 – Anthony Haughey.
Ieva Baltaduonyte, Kate Byrne, Leo Byrne, Enda Cavanagh, Mark Clare, Jason Clarke, Madeline Collins, David Creedon, Vanessa Daws, Patrick Donald, David Dunne, Monika Fabijanczk, Patrick Fogarty, Darek Fortas, Matthew Gannon, Hilda Goold, Anthony Haughey, Martin Healy, Michele Horrigan, Sarah Irenmonger, Thomas Jenner, Dragana Jurisic, Mary A. Kelly, Rafal Krol, Tommie Lehane, John Meaghar, David Monahan, Marie Murray, John Menamin, Robert McCormack, Darragh McDonagh, Kate Nolan, Abigail O’Brien, Catherine O’Brien, Liam O’Callaghan, Hugh O’Connor, Constanze O’Toole, Linda Plunkett, Tanya Reihill, Kate Ryan, Paul Seawright, Vincent Sheridan, John Roch Simons, Armelle Skatulski, David Stephenson, Amelia Stein RHA, Darn Thorn, Stephen Tierney, Mella Travers, Dominc Turner, Natalia Witkowska
Winner of the Curtain O’Donoghue Photography Prize: Martin Healy
A series of artist led tours and talks will run during this exhibition, please check the RHA website for further information.
The RHA Annual exhibition, now in it’s 184th year is the most ambitious public event in the Academy’s calendar. Ireland’s largest open submission exhibition includes painting, sculpture, print, photography, drawing and architectural models and it brings together the works of RHA members, invited artists and artists selected from open submission. Inviting artists to participate enables the Academy to curate an area of the show, encourages and promotes young artists and includes older established artists. The open submission process provides almost half of the Annual Exhibition and over the period of 5 days is rigorously selected by Academy Members from the vast number of applicants, which this year involved over 2,300 artworks.
By being selected from open submission these exhibitions have a meritocratic transparency and their relevance is not only as a spotting ground where other art world professionals look at new trends and talents but it also presents to the visitor and discerning art collector an unparalleled opportunity to view work by some of Ireland’s most-established and promising artists. The work of Academy Members represents and reflects the different disciplines of this national institution and provides the constant core of the Annual Exhibition. The Annual exhibition also offers one of the largest prize funds associated with an exhibition in Ireland. In 2014, a total prize fund of over €41,500 will be distributed over 14 individual awards, the most noteworthy being the Hennessy Craig Scholarship of €10,000.
Admission is free, suggested donation €2
This exhibition is supported by a full colour catalogue costing €20 available at reception.