Radical Lines,
Steven Maybury

Canon Open Programme
Pallas Projects,
115-117 The Coombe, Dublin 8
Opening : 6-8pm Wed 2nd July
Dates: 3-6 July
Opening hours: Thu- Sat 12-6pm/ Sun-Wed Closed
Radical Lines,
Steven Maybury
Finding tight focus in variations of perception not just of reality but of the objects we are surrounded with. Radical Lines also hones in on the individual’s reactions to the flux of time and circumstance, and how such change ripples inside the mind to alter emotions and perceptions.
Steven Maybury’s work is process-based and challenges how we perceive drawing and the reproduced image. Drawing large-scale meticulous line drawings using pencil, paper and found objects, he then photographs the drawings to produce a digitized version. These are inverted to create an obvious transformation from the hand drawn to the photographic. These images appropriate the drawings form, challenging the value, labour and aesthetic of the drawings as well as the digital images. The curious inverted scenes question the idea of the artwork and the reproduction of work. Challenging our perception of drawing andline as it creates an effortless substitute, which in turn embraces and celebrates something new. The reproduced images not only question the values of our corporeal interactions with artwork and the photographic, but everything that surrounds us including the reproduced image.
‘Even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking in one element: its presence in time and space, its unique existence at the place where it happens to be’ Walter Benjamin (1968).